What is the greatest happiness for me?
Cōgitō ergō sum
My favorite musician?
What is the most valuable advice I've ever received?
Would you like to change your appearance?
What mistakes do you consider worthy of the most leniency?
My favorite fictional characters?
What is my most recent achievement?
Всё относительно
Most recent failure?
Также относительно
What is my current goal?
Большие целИ
What is my attitude to religion?
My dream job?
По специальности
Where would I like to live?
When did I first fallen in love?
If I had plenty of free time, what would I do?
Вступил в группу 'Врачи без границ'
There is nothing worse for me than..
How do people around me perceive me?
What is the most romantic adventure of my life?
При встрече расскажу
Favourite dish?
Почти вся азиатская кухня
My favorite historical character?
My favorite city?
город ангелов, великий город, город — вечное сокровище, неприступный город Бога Индры (God Indra), величественная столица мира одарённая девятью драгоценными камнями, счастливый город, полный изобилия грандиозный Королевский Дворец напоминающий божественную обитель где царствует перевоплощённый бог, город подаренный Индрой и построенный Вишнукарном
Where do I like to be in my city?
My favorite Greeting?
Do I have pets?
Сейчас нет
How long can I be without communication?
Do I want to have kids?
My favorite film?
Have I traveled abroad? The biggest impression?
Бангкок. Название
The book I'm reading right now is?
Распутин и еврей
My favourite hobby?
Из много. . .
Which famous person would you like to be?
What is my main character trait?
Сказал - сделал
What do I value most in friends?
My main flaw?
Сказал - сделал
What would be my biggest misfortune?
How would I like to see myself?
My favorite authors?
How do I usually meet new people?
What do I hate the most?
How would I like to die?
State of the mind at the moment?