What is the greatest happiness for me?
все меняется
My favorite musician?
зависимо от настроения
What was the most startling discovery for me?
я готов ковсему
What is the most valuable advice I've ever received?
не кому неверь
Would you like to change your appearance?
What mistakes do you consider worthy of the most leniency?
My favorite fictional characters?
What is my most recent achievement?
я не хвастоюсь
Most recent failure?
у меня нет неудач
What is my current goal?
быть счаслив каждый день
What is my attitude to religion?
это очень личное
My dream job?
я не мечтаю ,она у меня есть
Where would I like to live?
там где живу
When did I first fallen in love?
If I had plenty of free time, what would I do?
в зависимости от настроения
There is nothing worse for me than..
не выспаться
How do people around me perceive me?
по разному,мне все равно
What is the most romantic adventure of my life?
было много
Favourite dish?
в зависимости от настроения
My favorite city?
у меня его нет
Where do I like to be in my city?
на море
My favorite Greeting?
за уважение друг к другу
Do I have pets?
How long can I be without communication?
Do I want to have kids?
у меня есть
My favorite film?
от настроения
Have I traveled abroad? The biggest impression?
меня тяжело удивить
The book I'm reading right now is?
я не читаю
My favourite hobby?
у меня их много
Which famous person would you like to be?
я уважаю себя
What is my main character trait?
каждый видит что то свое
What do I value most in friends?
у меня их нет
My main flaw?
не скажу
What would be my biggest misfortune?
не хочу говорить про это
How would I like to see myself?
тем какой я сейчас
My favorite authors?
How do I usually meet new people?
по разному
Does pornography turn me on?
What do I hate the most?
когда болит голова
How would I like to die?
очень личное
State of the mind at the moment?